Collectively Connected

001 - Why we started Collectively Connected

July 31, 2024 Damian and Denise Season 1 Episode 1

Can conversations change the world? We believe they can. In our first ever episode of "Collectively Connected," Damian and Denise share the heart and soul behind our podcast. We recount the journey from intimate, in-depth discussions in our living room to launching a platform where we can engage with a broader audience. Discover the therapeutic and transformative power of open dialogue as Damian explains how these conversations have reshaped his understanding and outlook on life. Denise breaks down the podcast's name, emphasizing our belief in the interconnectedness of global events and the collective human experience.

Next, we tackle the idea of "Elevating Conversations for Change." Damian and Denise explore how heartfelt discussions on both personal and global issues can foster growth and understanding within relationships. We recount significant moments that have strengthened our bond and share insights on how these practices can inspire listeners to cultivate meaningful discussions in their own lives. Highlighting the importance of tackling sensitive subjects, we aim to ignite a spark in our audience to embrace open-mindedness and collaborative problem-solving. Join us as we set the stage for future episodes, promising a journey of growth, learning, and connection.

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Speaker 1:

Hey everyone and welcome to Collectively Connected, the podcast where we share the meaningful conversations happening in our home about the events shaping our world today.

Speaker 2:

What's up everyone. We're your hosts, Damian and Denise. To kick off our first episode, we thought it'd be special to share our journey of how we ended up starting this podcast.

Speaker 1:

That's right, Damian. We'll be asking each other some intimate questions about what inspired us to have open and honest conversations.

Speaker 2:

So let's dive in and explore what sparked this journey, the road that led us here and what we hope to achieve with Collectively Connected Welcome and thanks for joining us.

Speaker 1:

Thanks for joining us. Hey husband, hey wife, how are you? I'm doing well. How are?

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Yeah, I'm doing good, we made it.

Speaker 2:

We made it.

Speaker 1:

Yep, here to record our very first episode of this podcast. We've been talking about it for a while now. Yes, yeah, and so we're finally here. I'm excited, I'm extremely excited for this. We feel like we have a good amount of knowledge of kind of what's going on in the world, but at the same time, I feel like we're still also deciphering by some of it. What does it mean for us, what does it mean for everyone else? And so I'm excited. I'm excited to be here and to be vulnerable and start to talk about some of these topics that you and I are having in our home, because I think it's important. So we're going to go back and forth and we're going to ask each other some questions about how we got here, how we got to starting this podcast. Let's kick it off with what made you want to start this podcast.

Speaker 2:

That's a good question. I would just say this came naturally from just our conversations. We talk about so many different issues and events that are going on around the world and it's not just bringing it up and you're like, oh yeah, it's a crazy world, and all of a sudden you change the subject. It's like no, we're really having these really in-depth conversations about what's going on, how we feel about it, how it's affecting us, how it's affecting other citizens. We're looking at it from different perspectives and so I feel like just having that point of view. We've just been talking about a lot of different topics, all of that that affect us, and so it kind of morphed from there because we would have these conversations. But it seems like when we were talked to you know just people we run into or go to a little events and stuff some people aren't even talking about it at all, and so it would ask the question what are people talking about? What are people talking about in their homes? Because there's a lot of things going on around the world that concern us.

Speaker 2:

you know citizens, even us citizens that affect every household so if you guys aren't talking about it, does that mean either you don't care or you don't know about it? So what could that mean? So I think that kind of just naturally presented itself where it's like we'd love to just share our perspective and our conversations that we're having every single day on all of these subjects. All these topics, you know, some are controversial, some people talk about probably regularly, some people don't even talk about at all. I'm just excited to come together with you to share these conversations, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1:

I'm excited too. Going off of what you said, starting this podcast is really. I think it's going to be therapeutic for me just to be able to share my thoughts on these big topics, because we're going to talk some big, big topics, and so I think it helps. It's like therapy for me, but at at the same time, it's calming and refreshing to have this conversation with my favorite person in the world, without an argument and being able to learn and grow, because I'll tell you that I have grown so much from listening to your perspective and it's really has made a huge difference in my life in the last couple of years. So, thank you, thank you. I appreciate you.

Speaker 2:

You're very welcome. We have our name. We have our name collectively connected. So, if you want to, if you don't mind sharing, what does that name mean to you and what was the inspiration behind it?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I knew I wanted to have collective and connected in there, or just how all of these topics are connected.

Speaker 1:

Which is why I wanted connected in there, because when you reach your handout to this, that topic, this topic, whatever it's going to be, somehow we've learned it's all connected, somehow, even us, to every single one of these topics.

Speaker 1:

And for me, collective meant all of us, all of us human beings, almost like you would call a herd of horses or cows I don't even know if that's the right term for those groups but humans grouped together is a collective right.

Speaker 1:

I just wanted to have those two words to just it just makes sense for what we're doing here. And then, like spiritually, I learned how connected we are to everything you know, to the plants, to the animals, to the water you know, to the elements of our planet Earth, and science is proving that every day of our planet Earth, and science is proving that every day. It, just like I said, it makes sense, you know, on what we're here to do, to bring the collective information or our perspective, because I strongly believe everybody's perspective matters, because everybody views the world from different lenses. It's like what are you learning? What are you learning from that experience, this experience, I'm excited. I think collectively connected is going to do exactly that Yep. So let's switch it up, because I want to know what topics that you're most excited to talk about and why.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that's a loaded question. There's a lot of stuff that's going on in the world. As I said before, we are in an election year, whether you want to acknowledge it or you have your choice on who you want to vote for, but the fact of the matter is we are in an election. It's a big turning point for our country. So that's definitely something I want to touch on, probably not in this episode, but that's definitely one of the bigger topics that I want to discuss. There's so many other industries state of our health, food.

Speaker 2:

We're fighting a lot of wars going on all around the world. Some are in countries that we don't even know about that are happening. All of these, probably smaller wars. So it's like is that coming to an end? Is there an end in sight? Is anybody working on any diplomacy? Is peace even an option anymore? Because it just seems like it's becoming the norm. So that's another subject I don't want to go on a tangent about right now, but that's definitely one of the topics that I'm really excited to talk about. Just us as human beings. Technology, technology is huge, ai is here and yeah, just there's a lot. There's a lot of stuff. I'm already going on a little rant right now, but I'm really excited. That's just. You know a few to name a few.

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah, I'm excited. I'm excited to dive into these topics because, like I said, I'm learning here the word. We're just learning how to decipher through all of this information that is out there. Is it true? Is it not true? Should I listen to this channel, that channel, whatever it is? It's like who, like, how do we decipher through that? And I'm excited to come and and share these conversations with people of like how you and I like get through. What do we want it to be, though? Yeah, for our household, for our home, for our future. Yeah, this specific topic how, what do we want it to look like? And if it doesn't look like what we want to now, is there something that we can do to help? Right?

Speaker 2:

I would say that's a really good way to look at every one of these topics.

Speaker 2:

Number one, like we said before, how is that affecting us, and is that the world that we want to live in? And if not, either are we doing something about it or are we supporting someone who's doing something about it, because I think that kind of really changes your perspective, too. Who is out there? If there's a particular problem about whatever topic we're talking about, if somebody is actually working on it, we should be supporting that person who is actually actively working on the solution. And so some people just aren't even looking at it through that lens, and those are the kind of things that it starts just by talking about it, recognizing what kind of problem is happening, whether it's on a larger scale, a smaller scale, something that we might not think is even an issue for us. It could be a bigger issue, but we're either just not even aware of it or we just don't really want to talk about it. So just having these conversations and talking through it, I think it's like you said, it's therapeutic.

Speaker 2:

It is, it is therapeutic because we can talk it out without having to get so emotional or react in a way that we wouldn't want to react. We can just talk about the issue and also see if there's any solutions out there, and I think that's kind of the backbone of how our relationship developed and got started as well, just talking through even some of the issues that you and I would have with each other. It started we're just having the conversations and that kind of has morphed from just our personal relationship to just how we look at anything going on around the world. We start by just having that conversation.

Speaker 1:

Oh, yeah, I'm glad you touched on how it affected our relationship. Yeah, our relationship, I feel like, has grown so much since we started talking about these conversations. I think I personally have grown so much through these conversations and just getting your perspective on things, because you see the world in such a bigger lens than I do, and you've helped my lens to grow and I think that has really changed our relationship for the better, because it has also helped our communication all together. Are we the best at it? No, but we're getting better.

Speaker 1:

So it's like helping us to understand each other and be calmer, because during the conversations of these topics we do we have had some heated moments, but for the most part, we learned how okay, we're just learning here, we're just learning a different perspective and how, and diving in and saying how does that perspective make me feel? Do I resonate with what you're saying and can I look at it from an observer standpoint? And so that helps me with anything you and I talk about or have any disagreements about. I almost kind of stop and be like can I see where you're coming from? So I think that's been really powerful for you and me and I just think we've just gotten a lot closer as well.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, our relationship has grown so much just by having and I'm learning so much about you, I think having just talking about certain certain issues or just events you don't really know. Sometimes you don't really even know that much about your partner because you don't talk about it or it never comes up about how they would handle these situations and stuff. So just learning that and having just such a love and respect for you and to hear whether it's something I agree on or something that I don't, it makes me just love and appreciate you all the more. You've got to take the good, the bad and all of that and it makes me just really happy to have a partner and to be able to share all of these, these memories and conversations that we're having.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I think that the goal here is to elevate, to elevate who we are as a human being and to constantly be growing and changing, and it's really just helped me to understand just a greater force that, the more that I can understand myself, my, and then process through my own thoughts and my own heart and my own feelings and my own ability to listen, all of these things, if I can get a grasp on those things, it allows me to then open up and understand you and my neighbors and people around me and why people do what they do, and so it's just, it just really brings in that spiritual aspect of things for me to open up and elevate me, you know. So I really appreciate that?

Speaker 2:

What would you like our listeners to get out of each episode if they're just curious about checking us out?

Speaker 1:

Oh man, I want them to be able to have similar conversations in their home. That's what I hope to inspire people to to go out there and grow and learn about these topics, not to necessarily take our word for it, but to really, really just start these conversations, because if we don't just start the conversations, we're never going to get that desire for change. And I think, as a collective people, we need change, not just here in the United States. Like all across the world, we need change, and it starts by conversating, and so that's what I hope people get out of this. It's just inspired to not be afraid. Not be afraid to use your voice, because right now, our voices are so important.

Speaker 2:

I need to echo what you're saying. I would love for listeners to just start being open-minded and having conversations. It's not just husband and wife. It could be father and son, it could be mother and daughter, it could be brother and sister, it could be an uncle and an nephew. It's having these conversations about what's going on in the world and that it's okay to talk about it. Sometimes we all feel a certain way about what's happening, but I think if people aren't talking about it, then us as a collective, we can't really address any, or we can't even come up with any solutions if we're not talking about the problems. And so I think that's probably the biggest thing, because some people don't want to talk about a subject or it's too much of a sensitive subject. Well, if nobody talks about it, then who's going to address the problem then? Right?

Speaker 1:

Who's coming up with the solution here?

Speaker 2:

Because nobody wants to talk about it. So then we're never going to get anywhere, and it sounds like that's where the world is today. Are we really as a whole, as a collective, why we have the name? Are we all talking about the problems that actually need to be addressed, and who is actually coming up with solutions here? Right, and I, and I feel like, when it comes and this is for all topics if we're, we're going to talk about a lot of different things, but I think, having that as a starting point, if listeners just take that and just start really talking about it, I think that would be awesome for us for this podcast and I hope this helps them to know how to start the conversation, to be inspired, to come in with a learning mind like you're just coming here, to learn their perspective not to judge them and not to convince them of your own and be able to have conversations without getting angry at each other, because we need to move away from division and come together and create unity and create community.

Speaker 1:

Okay, I think that's a great stopping point. Yeah, yeah, all right. Everyone, it's been a pleasure and we look forward to diving into these topics with you guys. It's goodbye for now. Goodbye for now. Thanks for joining us. Thank you for taking the time to listen to. Collectively Connected with me, denise and my husband Damien. Remember to subscribe, share and join the conversation Until next time. Stay connected, my friends. Thank you.