Collectively Connected
Welcome to "Collectively Connected," a podcast hosted by a husband-and wife duo, Damian and Denise. In our show, we dive into meaningful conversations about events that are shaping our world and the impact it's having on our lives individually and how it's effecting us collectively.
As a married couple, we are bringing the conversation we are currently having in our home. We're not experts, we're simply passionate about learning and growing alongside our audience. Our goal is to inspire meaningful discussions in your home and foster a sense of community and connection through this ever-evolving world.
Join us as we navigate through thought-provoking topics and invite you to be part of the conversation.
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Collectively Connected
007 - The Great Awakening - The Journey from Ignorance to Insight
Can our societal systems truly be trusted to have our best interests at heart? In this episode, we tackle the eye-opening concept of the "Great Awakening," where more people are beginning to recognize the flaws and corruption within institutions like government, education, healthcare, and food regulation. Personal stories of waking up from ignorance highlight the realization that corrupt individuals have infiltrated positions of power, making everyday life increasingly challenging. We discuss the difficulties of convincing those who remain unaware and the critical importance of collective awareness and action in addressing these systemic issues.
We also explore the immense potential within each of us to create positive change. As we transition from outdated systems to more innovative and sustainable practices, the power of creativity and unity becomes evident. We emphasize the need to engage those who are still unaware and the role of personal transformation in contributing to the collective consciousness. Addressing and healing from generational traumas is crucial, as it allows us to unite strong minds and hearts to overcome divisive forces. Tune in to understand the significance of this awakening and the essential steps toward building a world where creativity and abundance can thrive.
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#GreatAwakening #CollectiveAwareness #SystemicCorruption #BreakingFree #QuestionTheSystem #PersonalTransformation #HealFromTrauma #GenerationalHealing #UnityInAction #RiseTogether #PowerOfCreativity #AwakeningJourney #WakeUpCall #ChallengeTheNorm #InfiltratedSystems #CorruptInstitutions #CollectiveConsciousness #TruthSeeker #UnmaskingCorruption #SocietalChange #AwakenTheMasses #OutdatedSystems #InnovativeSolutions #HealingGenerations #StrengthInUnity #MindAndHeart #AwakeningToTruth #BuildingANewWorld #CreatingAbundance #SystemicFlaws #PowerOfUnity #OvercomeDivisiveness #ShiftingConsciousness #BreakTheIllusion #AwakenedLife #SustainableFuture #IgnoranceToAwareness #TruthAndFreedom #HealingThePast #CollectiveAction #AwakenTheCollective #UnitedInChange #AwakeningToPossibilities #EndCorruption #SocietalAwakening #HealingTheSystem #TimeToWakeUp #TransformOurWorld #AwakenedConsciousness #StrengthInNumbers
Hey baby, hi how you doing today.
Speaker 2:I'm doing good. It's Sunday, sun is out. It's a beautiful day today.
Speaker 1:It's really nice. Today I was looking at just the comments on different social platforms and stuff and it just got me thinking and also excited for just where we are, you know, as a country, coming together, and I'm just seeing so many people that are having something to say with what's going on with our country and just where we are.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 1:That's some bad stuff's going on and that we're all aware of the gravity of the situation that people are all waking up to. Yeah, calling it the great awakening, right you know, which I think is just.
Speaker 2:I think we're hearing that a lot on social media platforms, in podcasts. I think even mainstream media is using that terminology. Yeah, the great awakening. How do you define that?
Speaker 1:Well, I didn't know it was a thing, but you got to put a title on something. Always, it's just what we're calling something. I feel like this is something that I've been aware of. If you can call it the majority or the collective, they're starting to realize that something's going on with our country in the world and, for some reason, just things aren't getting much better. And so when we start looking into that of looking at why is this happening, how is this happening? Who's behind this, you start to realize there's some various activities going on that have been going on for a long time, and I think that when people start really sitting down and putting those things together, you're like wait, and I've just been oblivious.
Speaker 1:Basically, some people are like what have I been doing to allow this to happen for so long? And so when you ask me about what my definition of the awakening is, it's people basically coming to that realization like, holy crap, I've been like watching and dealing with nonsense all my life and I've been sleepwalking, basically, and not paying attention to bad people basically moving into positions of power that have been making my life more difficult, and now I'm finally aware that these people need to be stopped Right and who are major players that have snuck into positions of power, like I said, and they're doing things that could affect my family, our income. You know, all of these things are planned by bad people. And so I think, just coming to that realization and saying, okay, I'm paying attention. Now I'm paying attention to who's doing what, what laws are being passed, what politicians are saying what, it's an election year. Who's saying what? And I feel like this great awakening is there's a mass amount of people that are all coming to that same conclusion that something's going on and that we're all-.
Speaker 1:Something's not right, that something's not right and that we're all kind of uniting and that we all need to come together, put the petty arguments to the side and really start focusing on the people that are really putting us in this position.
Speaker 2:Right, well, that's a good description.
Speaker 1:What would you say?
Speaker 2:your interpretation of the Great Awakening is I think it's similar to that where we've almost been robotically moving through our lives with no thought to what we eat, no thought of going to the doctor and taking the medicines that they prescribe, no thought in the educations that we're getting, no thought in voting or not voting does it really matter, does it not? And I say those things because I am waking up to all of those things, thinking like I trusted all of these regulations, government organizations that are supposed to help regulate our food, the education system, help regulate the taxing system, help. All of that, apparently, for the people's benefit. The mistake was is not thinking that you had to pay attention or we had to pay attention. And so I understand the asleep person. I also understand the awakening person, the person who is like rubbing their eyes and clearing, you know, the veil in front of them and saying wow, and really looking out what reality really is that there is poison in our food, that there is something wrong with the education system, that there is something wrong with the monetary system, that there is something wrong with the religious system. Basically, pick a topic, something's been infiltrating it, and so the waking up to the true reality, and not reality that we've been programmed to believe is beneficial for us. That would be my kind of explanation of how I view the great awakening.
Speaker 2:So now it's crazy to think that I didn't see it before, and I know there's probably a lot of people feeling that way. Or, like you said, where have I been? Have I been living under a freaking rock? Have I not been a part of society when we all have? And it's like wow, how did we not see this? But at the same time, those waking up are seeing the people that aren't and a lot of us are kind of asking like what can we say, what can we do? Because, as this podcast's name is, collectively connected. Collectively we can make a difference. And it seems like we're so divided not by accident, right? This division has been put in place as you start to wake up on purpose.
Speaker 1:I think a good question that sums that up is how do you convince someone that something is wrong when they don't believe that something is wrong? So when you're seeing this big divide and people who have no idea any of this has happened they have no idea that we have a corrupt government, they have no idea that the media is constantly lying to us every day. They have no idea that the people that are put in these positions of power to protect us are actually the ones siphoning money and putting our economy in the way it is. People have no idea. They're just going to work. It's a regular day. You're back home going about your lives and I get it. You have kids, you have work, you have family life. You got to cut the grass, you got to do whatever right, you have to live your life. And so you don't wake up on a monday morning and say I wonder what, what's going on with my government right now. I just you guys should check in and see what's going on with the status of the activity of my government's efficiency. Right, like nobody does, exactly nobody's going to work.
Speaker 1:Yeah, so I think it's because the american people, the average citizen, has never stopped to do that We've allowed this kind of stuff to happen. The people who are starting to awaken to that they're in a good place, but there's still a lot of people who haven't. And that's the point that I'm trying to make is how do you reach those people? Do you just throw some facts at them? Do you make them feel stupid? Do you ask questions and kind of meet them where they are? There are so many different ways to reach them, and we need to reach them, you know, because these are our brothers and sisters and we're all citizens of this country, right? And if you have no idea what's going on, how are we going to be able to count on you to help join in the fight for humanity, for our country's?
Speaker 2:future, and this isn't just our country. This is happening globally. Right isn't just our country. This is happening globally. There's some energies that are brewing and it's really impacting the whole world Absolutely, and it's kind of exciting to be here in the flesh to be able to witness it. It's exciting.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I think you know you can look at it a couple of different ways. You can look at it for what I just said and just break down in fear and, oh my gosh, what can we do? I'm paycheck to paycheck and I can barely even keep a roof over my head and I got to worry about the government and all this stuff and a potential collapse of it. What can I do as a single person? I'm just trying to get by.
Speaker 2:There's such a fear in the transition because what is happening also through this awakening is the old ways of doing things. You know, the old ways of governing, the old ways of money, the old ways of medicine, of education, our food. Those old ways are essentially dying and falling and you know they need to come crashing down. So I think the fear of how are we going to survive those things, the struggle is, is people can't see the new world yet which exists out there, which I'm excited to start diving into some of those conversations with you.
Speaker 2:I feel like our podcast started really heavy with politics, but only because there's so much going on in that world of politics. We're coming up to a very important election and so it is the topic at hand right now across the board. A lot of podcasts are talking about it. A lot of mainstream media obviously is covering that a lot and as it gets closer it is. But I also want to share with people that new way of money, the new way of how our food supply will be handled, the new way of how our pollution and cleaning up our air and our waters and our planet. It's all there in the horizon.
Speaker 2:There are people working really hard to make this transition easy. So don't fear it, let's embrace that we are going to show up when we need to show up, to fight for our future, to fight for our freedoms, and that's what this is all about. That's what the great awakening is is to get it brewing deep inside of you, because it's not only the awakening of what you see outside of the world, it's also the awakening within you, the you that deserves to be recognized. That creativeness inside of you is also waking up, because what we need on this planet right now is creation, creating new things, creating new ideas, creating new ways that we want to live, and it's inside of all of us, and we all need to come together to find those things, to heal ourselves, to be able to dig in and have those creative cells in our body start to come out and create something in this 3D.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I feel like it's long overdue for this awakening to happen. When you start to wake up, you start to kind of get curious and detective on things. Okay, if these people have been doing this to me, how long has this been happening? That would make you more irate. When you kind of go back and say, okay, this has been generations, you know how far along could we be. You know, now we start to think about the people who are in power, how long they've been doing this. You've grown up.
Speaker 1:Your entire life has basically been I don't want to say a lie, but I mean, if, where we could have been, it's like like that's only in your wildest imaginations and, as you were saying, you know what people just creating and doing and being what could that have looked like over the course of three or four lost generations, of what could have been had they been allowed to? But these positions of power have been almost suppressing us as humans, suppressing our rights, suppressing our creations, suppressing our innovation. You start to to really look back at all, even lost technology, all the stuff that could have been. I think just waking up to the possibility is huge right now and I think that alone is very powerful. The possibility of what we could be as human beings, like that's a loaded question. If you really kind of ask somebody that, like what's the possibility of what we could be, we could have 1 million people say 1 million different things. Right, and all of them are true yeah, that's our possibility. So when you start to look at that, there is no bad idea yes, exactly From anybody. Everybody has great ideas.
Speaker 1:And so you start to look at how we've been living. We've been living someone's idea for so long. Living We've been living someone's idea for so long. It's almost like we've been trapped in, almost like a simulated reality and this is kind of how our society performs. We don't have to be doing all of this, you don't need to go too far down the rabbit hole, but people waking up to just realize the amount of possibilities that are being taken away from us and once we end up getting those back by taking out the bad people and taking government just out of our lives and restoring that, the amount of just creation, innovation, that's going to happen naturally, when we're not being suppressed as a people, when we're all living in an abundance, when we can actually have that, we can take back our sovereignty. It's going to be pretty amazing.
Speaker 2:Yeah, and I think with that suppression, people have claimed that it's been a hundred years of suppression. That has also held a lot of people stuck, and stuck generationally, in those traumas and in order for us to move on, I think it's important for people to understand they have to work through those traumas. Not only is things happening out here, what you're witnessing, but there's change happening in an individual aspect. This is going to be a huge month where the next wave of people are waking up. People that haven't been awoken are going to start to feel these energies because of frequency of this planet is raising, which is causing these people to feel that like what is going on here the people who had been sleeping, and so this new wave, it's kind of like.
Speaker 2:I'd encourage these people to be open-minded to the questions that are crossing your mind and be careful of who you're choosing to listen to. How does it make you feel? Be very aware of how your body is responding to some of the words that are being shared, and also go within yourself and clean and fix your traumas, because these traumas cannot come into the world that we're trying to create. But we have been so stuck in that, so suppressed in these traumas, that I understand that some people have some really deep-rooted things that are hard to work through, but on an individual level, we have to do that for humanity. The way that you come out of that is what the collective consciousness needs. We need you to be rock solid in your mind and in your heart and that's how we're going to unite together to beat this evil government. That's how we're going to come together with our full hearts because they've worked so hard to keep us fighting each other. What if you can look at your neighbor and say how about we unite to fight them?